Many People
Search Year-After-Year For A Productive Opportunity Seeker Mailing List To Mail Their
Multi-Level Programs To...But Never Find A Name List Source That Gives Them The
Consistent Responses They Need To Make Money!
Opportunity/Multi-Level Mailer:
Are you experiencing a slowdown in new sign-ups for
the multi-level program you are promoting? If you are, it is most likely due to an
over-saturated market! I myself, a person who advertises, receive 20 to 30 of the
same programs in the mail each week from many different people. The regular
well-known mailing lists are sold many times over, which can cause you to fail
big list companies give you a fantastic sales pitch on how they spend large amounts
of money every year to obtain their name lists through advertising inquiries in
major opportunity magazines, etc.... But, what type of ad promotion did
their inquiries respond to: The vast majority of the inquiries have never been
exposed to multi-level mailing programs. Even if these people did join
your multi-level much of an asset would they be to
Believe me… I know! My
name is DOYLE CHAMBERS. I’ve recruited hundreds of these neophytes into
multi-level mailing programs! These beginners cannot grasp the fact that one
must mail out thousands of mailing pieces on a consistent basis in order to
be successful. It was very frustrating for me as it is for many other serious
I’ve located a name list
source that has a different way of compiling their names. This company buys
the used envelopes that include the names of multi-level participants from
mail order and multi-level operators all over the country!
This source has just
over 2 million names of serious mailers and opportunity seekers. I now use
these names myself to recruit multi-level participants. The people on this
list can be a great asset to you because they already understand the large
volume of mailings and consistent effort it takes to make a multi-level
program successful!
With over 2 million names in the computer, everyone
won’t be mailing to the same names. This name list source does not have to
over-sell their names to a lot of people (unlike many small mailing list companies)
because they have such a large number of names which is ever increasing with the
addition of new names daily! The computer insures that there are no duplicate
names. The undeliverables are constantly weeded out to insure the cleanest possible
Folks, I’m just like
you! I’m a multi-level enthusiast - not just someone who sells name lists with
little regard for the results that you’ll
My purpose in finding a
good name list source was to insure my own success in a particular
multi-level program, as well as the success of the people in my downline.
After all, what good is it if you are able to easily sign-up new
people...when your downline people struggle to recruit new people in an
over-saturated market using tired, over-worked name
The mailing list source that I’ve located, after many
years of searching, have the names that we are all looking for! I believe this is
the very best list available! These are not just names, but ambitious men
and women who are waiting to join and start building your MLM downline.
They are doers! They already understand the MLM concept and are already
convinced it’s their road to independence and wealth. This is the most
responsive list you’ll ever mail to.
The people on this list truly believe they can
make money in a direct mail based MLM program...if they could
just find the right one. It’s not uncommon to hear someone tell
me their hot offer got 5%, 7% or even an 11% response from this
A test of 1,000, 2,000 or more will convince
you, and you’ll be back for more. The majority of our customers
come back month after month for more names. Of course,
this name list works great with ANY AND ALL PROGRAMS, provided
you have a good quality program to
FACT: Success in mail order
multi-level is keyed more to the QUALITY of the list you use RATHER THAN the
quantity you mail. Why risk throwing away hundreds of dollars on printing and
postage by trying to save a few bucks on a cheap unresponsive list. Choose
I have made special
arrangements with this excellent name list source to provide these
super-productive opportunity seeker names to you! I know you’ll be
pleased with the response you’ll receive from mailing to these powerhouse
names! I guarantee the fastest possible service!
Here Are the Prices For
Opportunity Seeker Mailing
1,000 LEADS -
$ 125 (minimum
order) 2,000 LEADS -
$ 220
5,000 LEADS
- $ 500
10,000 LEADS - $ 920
20,000 LEADS - $ 1,700
30,000 LEADS - $
List Format:
* Peel-n-stick
Labels (Delivered by Priority U.S. Mail)
* Text file
(Delivered by Email) * Excel file
(Delivered by Email)
Choose Your List
* Random Zip
* Zip Sorted
Note: All list rentals are for one time use
only. Lists have been seeded with decoys to prevent unauthorized
reuse. Any full or partial reuse of any kind obligates the
customer to payment of the full reuse price of the list. All
orders are final, cannot be cancelled and are nonrefundable
without special permission.
CALL DOYLE AT 214-326-7296
If I’m away from my
desk, please leave your name and phone number, and the best time to call you.
I will call you back quickly to answer your
P.S. I’m certainly aware of
the fact that you want and need your mailing list orders FAST!!! I assure you
that we give all mailing list orders TOP PRIORITY above all things!
Orders are processed you can get your names fast - and
be well on your way to making money!
 My wife, Noy - and me, Doyle
- at our East Texas Ranch

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I sincerely thank you for
taking the time to read my
web page and I hope to be able to serve

35+ Years as a Master Marketer...the true

Copyright 2021, Doyle
Chambers All Rights Reserved. Reproduction of any part of this site by any
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Doyle Chambers teaches marketing methods concerning: effectively using
mlm mailing lists and opportunity seeker mailing lists in combination
with postcard marketing, postcard marketing systems, MLM postcard
marketing, MLM postcard system, network marketing postcard, recruiting
system, sponsoring system, postcard recruiting System, postcard
sponsoring system, postcard money, postcard cash, money with postcards,
MLM system, Direct Mail Postcard, mailing postcards, mail postcards,
etc. |
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